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Business Innovation

We specialize in empowering R&D departments within research and innovation centers, universities, and big corporates to drive innovation and research breakthroughs. Our comprehensive range of services is designed to provide tailored solutions and insights that meet the unique needs of our clients and partners. With our expertise and strategic guidance, we aim to fuel your organization’s growth, optimize research outcomes, and shape the future of your field.


Business Innovation

Technology Scan

Our Technology Scan service offers a customized search that employs cutting-edge methodologies and resources. We identify groundbreaking technologies and emerging trends that align with your research focus. Through comprehensive reports and actionable insights, we empower your department to make informed decisions, accelerate research breakthroughs, and drive innovation.

Partner Scan

Collaboration is crucial for success in the research and innovation ecosystem. Our Partner Scan service helps you identify optimal collaborators including, suppliers, retailers, manufacturers, and research centres. We conduct thorough assessments to ensure compatibility, expertise, and alignment with your research objectives. By fostering strategic partnerships, we help your project  leverage collective strengths, resources, and accelerate the pace of innovation.

Business Innovation
Business Innovation

Regulatory Analysis

Staying compliant with regulations and anticipating changes is vital in the research and innovation landscape. Our Regulatory Analysis service provides a comprehensive review of the regulatory environment, including anticipated changes and their impact on your projects. We work closely with your organization to assess implications, proactively adapt, and minimize disruptions, enabling you to stay on track and compliant with regulations.

Trend and Forecast

Anticipating future developments is key to maintaining a competitive edge. Our Trend and Forecast service provides insights into technological advancements, market shifts, and industry dynamics. By staying ahead of emerging trends, your department can align research and innovation strategies, identify investment opportunities, and make informed decisions to drive long-term success.

Business Innovation
Business Innovation

Go-to-Market Strategy

Entering new markets or launching new products requires careful planning and strategic execution. With our Go-to-Market Strategy service, we help you develop effective market entry strategies tailored to different industries. We specialize in business model and use case development, elaboration of partnering or in-house strategies, and optimizing your value chain to maximize growth and profitability.

Commercial Due Diligence and Business Plan Writing

When it comes to assessing market potential and evaluating your business plan, our Commercial Due Diligence service is your partner. We conduct comprehensive analysis of market size, competitive landscape, and sales and marketing structures. Our experts review your products/services and collaborate with you to develop a solid business plan that aligns with your strategic objectives.

Business Innovation

Why Choose Enide

Experience, Expertise, and Exceptional Results for Over 12 Years

As your innovation navigator, we bring a wealth of experience and expertise to empower your organization’s success in the dynamic digital era. Here’s why partnering with ENIDE is the right choice:

Proven Track Record

With more than 12 years of delivering impactful results, we have built a solid reputation as a trusted innovation partner. Our track record speaks volumes about our ability to drive innovation, accelerate research breakthroughs, and achieve tangible outcomes.

Extensive Expertise

Our team comprises industry experts, seasoned professionals, and exceptional minds who possess a deep understanding of the mobility, logistics, and automation landscape. We bring a wealth of knowledge and insights to the table, ensuring that our services are tailored to meet your unique challenges and aspirations.

Tailored Solutions

We understand that one size does not fit all. That's why our approach is highly customized, providing tailored solutions that align with your specific research and innovation goals. By understanding your unique needs, we deliver targeted strategies and actionable recommendations that fuel your success.

Cutting-Edge Methodologies

We stay at the forefront of technological advancements and leverage cutting-edge methodologies to drive innovation and research excellence. Our tools and techniques are designed to unlock new possibilities, accelerate progress, and deliver transformative outcomes.

Collaborative Approach

We believe in fostering strong partnerships built on trust and collaboration. By working closely with your R&D departments, we ensure that our services are aligned with your vision, goals, and organizational culture. Together, we embark on a transformative journey that propels your organization forward.

Contact person

Business Innovation

Loha Hashimy

Senior Innovation Manager

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